Pullet can't stand-feet curled

My pullet got worse over night. She was barely alive this morning. I had to cull her. When I went to my young chicken coop this afternoon I found another dead. No signs of diarrhea. I have her in the refrigerator and will take her to MSU in the morning for a necropsy. I am trying to stay calm and form a plan. I'm not sure what to do. I don't know if I should dose all of them to try to prevent spread of this. Do I entirely clean and disinfect both coops? I'm beginning my research. If anyone has suggestions I would greatly appreciate it.
Sorry for your loss.

I'm sorry for your loss. It's good that you are getting a necropsy done, since that will ease your mind to get a diagnosis. I would start the others on Corid for 5 days. If it is coccidiosis, all chickens get exposed to it in the ground, and the Corid will not harm them. Let us know what you find out from MSU.


Sorry for your loss.

Hopefully the necropsy will indicate something informative. Be aware, they don't always, but it is good that you are having one done in case it indicates what you may be dealing with flock wide vs. singular bird.

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I want to thank those that chimed in to help me. The necropsy came back positive for cocci. I am treating both coops since it's very contagious. I cleaned and disinfected both coops as well. We've had quite a cold snap and hopefully this will slow things down. I'm enclosing the runs with plastic to encourage them to stay outside more.
I want to thank those that chimed in to help me. The necropsy came back positive for cocci. I am treating both coops since it's very contagious. I cleaned and disinfected both coops as well. We've had quite a cold snap and hopefully this will slow things down. I'm enclosing the runs with plastic to encourage them to stay outside more.
I have one like yours but I think it's something called Gout.
I want to thank those that chimed in to help me. The necropsy came back positive for cocci. I am treating both coops since it's very contagious. I cleaned and disinfected both coops as well. We've had quite a cold snap and hopefully this will slow things down. I'm enclosing the runs with plastic to encourage them to stay outside more.

Thanks for the update. How is the rest of the flock doing?

Well.......I lost two more young ones. I only put them on a 5 day regimen. Took a feces sample in to check for cocci and worms. Wanted to make sure it wasn't more than just cocci. No worms. Just cocci. Been treating with Corid. Today was the 10th day and still saw a bit of a red tinge to a dropping I found. Was going to research how long I can keep them on Corid. I've read some recommendations of 10 days. Today was my 10th day. What do you recommend Kathy?
Sulfadimethoxine (Di-Methox) or Sulmet might be worth a try if your vet is still seeing coccidia in their stools, or they are not responding to the Corid. Those drugs can be harder on the birds, but will treat the 2 worst strains of coccidia in chickens. Also be sure to keep the coop and run dry and clean with fresh pine shavings. There is no way to sterilize the coop, but dry conditions can help. Here are a couple of articles to read about coccidiosis and how to prevent it:
All waterers are out in their run. I use sand and Sweet PDZ in the coop so it's much like a cat litter box. I scoop the poop every day. I just put dropping boards up to keep them away from the feces. The run is covered and I put plastic up on the north and west walls. It's like a dust bowl in there. The red I saw in the feces was ever so slight. The poops I'm seeing under the roosting bars are so much better than a week ago. They're formed and looking normal. I think I'll take another sample to the vet tomorrow and see what's going on. I haven't seen anything food wise that I can give them to try to help them. Does anyone have suggestions? I can only imagine what they're poor bodies are like after a bout like this.

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