Pullet laying double and triple yoker!


In the Brooder
Feb 18, 2021
Hi everyone thank you for adding me :).

One of my pullets Mae has laid a double and triple yoker. I am really worried that this is too much for her as the egg this morning weighed 135 grams, she has only been laying for 3 weeks. Is there anything I should be doing to make things easier for her.
I have cleaned her vent with baby shampoo this morning as best I can.


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Wowser, that's a big egg!

Until their systems get into the groove of laying you can get some odd pullet eggs, including massive ones.

Hopefully things settle down for her soon.
Wowser, that's a big egg!

Until their systems get into the groove of laying you can get some odd pullet eggs, including massive ones.

Hopefully things settle down for her soon.
Thank JaeG for your reply. I hope so, she is so lovely I hate to think of her in pain, having chickens is as worrying as having a newborn baby :0/
She is a rhode Island red/hybrid.
She has access all day to layer pellets and gets treats like corn in the evening, melon or spaghetti or larva bettle or cabbage late morning.
So she's a RIR mixed with something else.....or a red sexlink?
High production birds can have amplified ovary action.
Does she always lay multi yolkers, every day?
Hopefully things smooth out a bit in time.

I'd cut out everything but the layer feed for a week or two,
Juicy foods make for juicy poops.
Spaghetti is my favorite too and I had to cut it out of my life! 😢 Major sadness lol. Your chickens will survive; I am lucky enough to work at a diner so I bring them home fruit scraps on a regular basis. Their favorite treat is shrimp tails and lobster carcasses (spoiled)!
Lol, will definately give the shrimp tails a try, might leave the lobster though, already the most expensive eggs i have ever eaten in my life 😅
Why did her vent need cleaning?
What breed is she?
What all and how exactly are you feeding?
Why did her vent need cleaning?
What breed is she?
What all and how exactly are you feeding?
Hi aart,
She was dirty around her feathers in the vent area.
She is a rhode Island red/hybrid.
She has access all day to layer pellets and gets treats like corn in the evening, melon or spaghetti or larva bettle or cabbage late morning.
Thanks for replying 🙂 i love all three chickens, but Mae is my favorite she is the one that follows me everywhere.

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