Pullet not eating on own


10 Years
Dec 22, 2009
Louisville, KY
1) What type of bird , age and weight.- Bantam Mixed Breed, around 4 months, very light no muscle at all.
2) What is the behavior, exactly.- wont eat, cant stand or walk
3) How long has the bird been exhibiting symptoms?- about a week
4) Is there any bleeding, injury, broken bones or other sign of trauma.- no none at all
5) What happened, if anything that you know of, that may have caused the situation.- sold her momma
6) What has the bird been eating and drinking, if at all.- force feeding starter crumbles and water
7) How does the poop look? Normal? Bloody? Runny? etc.- runny with some chunks
8) What has been the treatment you have administered so far?- force feeding and tiamyacin i think thats the name of the antibiotic.
9 ) What is your intent as far as treatment? For example, do you want to treat completely yourself, or do you need help in stabilizing the bird til you can get to a vet?- treat self
10) If you have a picture of the wound or condition, please post it. It may help.
11) Describe the housing/bedding in use- newspaper in a cardboard box with holes
Is this pullet alone? If so, she may be very depressed. Chickens are flock animals and need to be with their own kind. It sounds like her living conditions may also be very tight, and a bit boring. She should be outside at this point with a coop and run. Does she free-range at all, or get the run of the house?
she was out in the pen with the other bantams but they were not letting her eat at all and they were bullying her so we seperated her. We have to keep our bantams in a pen because our family has outside dogs that like to attack the bantams.
She may be a little old for this, but it's possible she could have cocci. Have you been giving her medicated feed? I have had a 3 month old get cocci before.
That's true, "runny with chunks" sounds like cocci could be a possibility. You could look up cocci and see what they look like--hunched up, feathers dirty and ruffled, miserable. If it sounds right you would need to get her on Corid or Sulmet as soon as possible. Have you tried tempting her with treat foods? Make sure they have plenty of room in the pen, perhaps another feeder would help...
I suggest blocking off a good size corner in the coop with chicken wire or similar material. Make sure the area is good siz and has a roof or top that is high enough for her to have lots of head room. You also want to make sure no one can fly in or out. Put her in the corner area with her own bedding and water and food and let her get used to being with the other chickens and letting the other chickens get to know her. This way they can look at each other but can't hurt each other. Leave her like this for a week at and at night when everyone is sleeping on the perch put her on the perch BETWEEN two chickens. Hopefully they will accept her.

Go out very early in the morning to monitor things to make sure she is not getting hurt.

Her living situation right now is not good for her. She needs to be with other chickens even if you have to re-home her. Force feeding is tremendously stressful for her and dangerous because she can get food into her lungs and that's a painful way to die. You are giving her antibiotics when there is no bacterial infection. The antibiotics might be contributing to her diarrhea.

It's hard to let go but you have to do what is best for her. A chicken needs to be a chicken not in a cardboard box all alone. If the others don't accept her then do what is best for her and rehome her. See if the new owner of her momma wants one more.
just wanted to say thanks for all the help she ended up passing on christmas day but i pretty much knew that was going to happen because she just was refusing to eat.

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