Pullet Not Using Nesting Boxes


Feb 24, 2022
We put nesting boxes up last week, coincidently the same day she laid her first egg. But, she is laying her eggs underneath the nesting boxes. The nesting boxes are lower than the roosting bars but still off the ground. We used 12×12 milk crates. I put nesting box pads down and put pine shavings on top of the pads (which is what we use for the flooring of the coop), and added a couple golf balls to each box... I'm not sure how to encourage her to use the boxes instead. Any help/advice is much appreciated!😊
If you prefer the nest boxes where they are, it's possible she hasn't noticed them because 1) they're not on ground level and 2) they're newly installed (and possibly scary), so you may need to give her a boost and put her up in a box to explore it as an option.

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