Pullet or Cockerel??


7 Years
May 26, 2012
I think these are all pullets, but I am not sure. What are your opinions?

1 Buff Orpington and 2 Easter Eggers

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Sorry can't help you on this but the 3rd picture is one good "stink eye"! LOL yes there is a thread here about chickens giving the "stink eye"...
I'm no expert, but I think that buff looks just like my hens. I have a buff rooster, on my profile pic, and he looks different than that. I also have some 5 week old easter eggers, but I can't tell what they are yet.
What do your Easter Eggers look like and when did you become a chicken owner?

Mine are 6 weeks old and the White Crested Polish on my profile pic is 9 weeks. We had all kinds of animals, including chickens, when I was growing up. However, I didn't start my chicken adventures as an adult until 9 weeks ago. I first bought 4 of the White Crested Polish, but I ended up with only 1 hen. That's when I got the younger 3. We are only going to keep 3 out of the 4 chickens. I am hoping that the Buff and at least one of the EE's are hens. That way I will have a white, brown, and blue/green egg layer.
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