Pullet or Cockerel?


8 Years
Aug 21, 2011
West Fork
I have two blue copper Marans I purchased from a local breeder on August 10. At that point, they were 6-8 weeks old, meaning now they would be 10-12 or so. They are both about the same size, but one of them has developed more copper colored feathers on the neck than the other. I don't know if this is just a case of one developing faster than the other, or if one of them is a cockeral. Any help would be greatly appreciated as this is the first time I have had this breed.

They look like pullets to me too, my 9 week old Maran cockerels have very red large comb and waddles. My pullets have much smaller ones.
They both look like pullets. The copper on the neck isn't an indicator of gender. Copper or red leakage on the wings, however, would be a male sign.
Thanks everyone! I wasn't observing any obvious signs of a male, but I have only ever had pullets. I am always suspicious until the first egg. I have two other "girls" who are Olive Eggers from the same breeder, and they are the same age. In observing the four of them interactinig, there is no real posturing so I think I did end up with 4 pullets. Thanks again!

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