Pullet or roo of 5 week old


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 26, 2014
What are your thoughts?

2nd one
The Barred Rock is a male because if the pink comb and wattles. The first pic seems like a female. Are the tail feathers from a different chicken?
I'm almost positive the gold one is a girl as mine had an even bigger comb at this age and she is a she! The other one may be a boy though.
The pic of the tail feathers is from a different member.

The chicks will hopefully be laying hens outside. It's still approximately -5 outside.
It's our first time having chickens and we got 6 (2 buff orpingtons, 2 barred rock and 2 gold laced wydonettes) 4 weeks ago. The breeder had said at the time they were females.

I just got 4 1 week old blue americaunas this week too.

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