pullet or roo


6 Years
Feb 16, 2013
Hi all, I've seen a bunch of threads with this question. I guess it's my turn. This is my 6 week old barred rock pullet
[/IMG], or not. What do the more experienced members think?
Oh, I'm so disapppointed to hear it! He IS a cutie, and he curls up to sleep in the crook of my arm. I hate to think of giving him up!
Well...the short answer is that we live in a HOA that doesn't permit chickens at all.

The longer story is this. When my son and I started talking about having chickens, I knew there were no problems with keeping chickens in Tucson, because thus community is full of backyard chickeners. It's a phenomenon here.Never occurred to me about the HOA until we were well into our coop building, and somebidy told us about the HOA policy. We decided to go forward anyhow after talking to our neighbors. We have great neighbors, nobody would give us any trouble about a small quiet flock of chickens. But, we risk jeopardizing that piece, I think, if we have a noisy rooster. The chances of us getting reported and our operation shutdown would go up consiserably.
Woops, that posted before i was ready. Im just worried the rooster will out us beyond my friendly neighbors. I may wait, though, and see how noisy he is...my son and i both would prefer to see Roxie/Rocky stay!

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