pullet, pale, swolen face. pic......


9 Years
Nov 14, 2010
long story short. This little lady has ended up on my doorstep. She has no sneezing or wheezing. She poo's fine and eats well. She is depro and stands in the corner all puffed up. She is supposedly a Pekin, but she is quite big. I think she is a standard cochin. I have no Idea how old she is.
Her face is very swolen and she has what looks like and old wound on her eye. She is also very pale. any idea's? She is in quarantine and I have Terramycin in the house which I started immediately. I've also put a stress pack multi-vitamin and mineral in her food.
Does anyone know what she may have?
The other side of her face looks the same?

How long have you had her? Or did she come to you like this?

Is there any pus or oozing or crusting of her eye or nostril?
The other side of her face is also very swolen. but no wound. She has no oozing from the nose or eyes. A breeder sold her to my mother yesterday. my mother braught her to my house today. My mother says she came with another hen and a rooster. she says they look fine, but I'm going to go and check them out tomorrow.

I don't want to even discuss this breeder, but I have however reported him to the poultry showing associating who recommended him!

Her nostril on the one side of her face (can be seen in pic) seems to have cracked (see line running down beak). I refuse to take her back to this DONKEY, because he will probably just kill her. I just wish I knew what was wrong with her.
Do you have a poultry vet nearby? Perhaps bringing in a stool sample? You can learn so much from poo. I am a former vet assistant and it was pretty much mandatory for any sick animals to have their poo examined. So much of the immune system is in the intestines....people seem to be unaware of this.
I gasped when I went back to her picture when you noted that the line on her beak was a crack! Poor girl! Try to keep her wounds and cracked nostrils clean with a lightly dampened q-tip with witch hazel or saline. Make sure it is only a bit damp. You don't want her to get it in her eyes or inhale any fluids. Does she look dehydrated? How is her poo? water intake?

I commend you for taking on such a lovely girl. And I agree she looks very cochin-y.

Scrambled eggs, dark green leafy veggies, poly-vi-sol in the water. Maybe even a nice warm soak. Who wouldn't love a long warm bath after getting sprung from chicken Auschwitz? Just be sure to blow dry her thoroughly so she won't get a chill. Its an investment in time.....a good 2 hours. But an enjoyable 2 hours, IMO.

Keep us updated.

Best of Luck!

NO poultry vets around here. once tried my ordinary vet and they just about ran out the building screaming. (it was CRD)

Thanks so much for the advice! Her poo is relatively normal, maybe a bit on the dry side. I have not seen her drinking water yet, but she certainly is eating! My first instinct was to bath her too. she smelled terrible and wasn't really white, more brown. You could however have warned me about the 2 hours to get her dry;) It has taken me the better part of a half a day and 3 blow dries with the hair dryer to get her dry! She looks like a cheer leaders pom-pom now! I've never had a cochin, but I'm learning fast.
I have put some anti-bacterial, anti-fungal zink salve on her sore eye and nose. it's a special mix that the pharmacy gives me for my human babies bottom. it works wonders! My roo once had sores on his comb (for some bizaar reason) and it sorted it out in two days. It even helps for leg mites!

Anyway, will keep you posted. Will whip up a nice dinner for her! She needs a name? Ashlee is pretty
Aw, thanks for the compliment.
I agree, Ashlee would be a great name for your cochin.
And yes, they kinda take forever
to dry, but I assume she is indoors any-hoo. So no biggie!
Just be careful with the zinc near the eye, use it sparingly and apply with a q-tip. If you can, keep some terramycin on hand for eye injuries and infections. Its one of the few meds that aren't by prescription. You can get it online at most of the pet sites...about $10-12 a tube. I keep it on hand for the chickens and dogs. the dogs get pink eye at least once a year due to socializing with other dogs and the chickens...well, its a safe treatment for eye injuries.

Try to keep her hydrated. Get her to drink as much as possible. The water helps to clear out the crop. My bantam cochin died recently due to an slow and septic crop.
She was eating pebbles, not her grit or oyster shells. I miss her.
well, it's nearly bed time here and i quickly popped down to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. Well, Ashlee made such a racket I came rushing to see what was wrong. turns out she was just looking for me. She couldn't see mee and was wondering where I was. I think I'm going to like this cochin.
HA! Sounds like me when I realize that I have no Pinot Grigio left in the fridge.
My kinda chicken! Lets you know when she wants something! A real leader. Go Ashlee!

Give her a smooch good nite for me!


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