Pullet(s) or cockerel(s)

Thanks all for the replies. The hatchery has agreed that the New Hampshire Red is a cockerel, and his first attempt at crowing this morning really drove that home...

But they are still saying that the White Plymouth Rock is a female, based on feathers and body shape, and that "the combs and waddles aren't always indicative of sex."

I'm wondering what made you certain that the white rock was a male?

Thanks again.
Thanks all for the replies. The hatchery has agreed that the New Hampshire Red is a cockerel, and his first attempt at crowing this morning really drove that home...

But they are still saying that the White Plymouth Rock is a female, based on feathers and body shape, and that "the combs and waddles aren't always indicative of sex."

I'm wondering what made you certain that the white rock was a male?

Thanks again.
Comb and wattles. A pullet that age shouldn't be half as developed as he is. Before 14 weeks, comb and wattles are the absolute main way to sex a chicken. The feathers they are looking for haven't come in yet. Due to the fact that they don't usually come in until 12 weeks. Hatcheries are 100% clueless on sexing birds outside of vent sexing. He is a male. 100% positive. Unfortunately because hatcheries know absolute nothing about sexing, they will usually make you wait until the birds are old enough for saddles to appear.

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