Pullet sleeping in nesting box during day?


5 Years
Sep 25, 2014
It is getting colder out there for sure ( I live in Michigan) but all of a sudden today my australorp pullet is sleeping in her nesting box... right now (in the afternoon).. it is weird because she usually is constantly out there pecking the ground with the rest of them. The other birds are out, still active.. she is the only one laying though? Is this normal or should I be worried. I listened to her breathing and it sounds normal and she seems really calm..
Sometimes it does take chickens, awhile to lay eggs, especially if they happen to be trying to lay a double egg or something. Have you given her a good going over and does everything seem normal, check her vent and abdomen especially. Also could your pullet be broody, has she been laying awhile? Australorps are a fairly broody breed. Does she flatten out and puff her feathers when you bother her, maybe hiss at you? If you take her out of the box does she want to go back in? Nice article on broodys https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/broody-hens
She seems to be in fine shape, nothing abnormal that I can see. She doesn't seem to be broody when I pet her she stayed totally relaxed. She seemed crabby towards the other girls today though like she was pecking them when they tried to get food or water... and there is plenty to go around...she didn't want them going in the coop.
From that article I wonder if she is preparing to brood. I wonder though, is it possible she was just tired? Or would she nap on the roost if that were the case?

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