Pullet still? Aracauna/Cochin mix and Aracauna/Marans mix

Are you sure that it's that one that's crowing? Did you see her crow? I'm pretty sure that is a pullet. You Gold laced Polish, on the other hand, is looking an awful lot like a cockerel with that 'wild' crest.
20 weeks old, no dark red shoulders, no male feathering. That bird is female.

Yes, I watched her "crow"--at least three times. It wasn't a typical "cockadoodledoo" but it was loud and she did it a few times...almost like an adolescent crow. I'm talking about the black-feathered bird with copper neck feathers by the way. Could she just be squawking loudly because she wanted out of the coop?

The tail feathers have started perking up in the last week or so, but other than that, I see no rooster hackles, saddles feathers or anything. Legs are thin like a girl, and she clucks all day long.

Yes, the golden laced is probably a roo, as is the blue polish (who DOES crow like a little rooster every day now). The other one is the aracuana/cochin mix (the red one) and is also 20 weeks, but I am pretty sure that's a girl. I thought she or this one would be laying by now.

So...boy ? Girl?
If it is crowing, then it is a rooster.

The photos make it hard to see, but I think I see some saddles developing in one of them...

With hybrids, it can be really hard to tell as they can develop in a non-standard way.

The black one is definitely a pullet. She might have been practicing her egg song. Girls can be very, very loud when doing their egg songs. It's a loud 'bock, bock, bock, BAGAWK!' sound.
The black one is definitely a pullet. She might have been practicing her egg song. Girls can be very, very loud when doing their egg songs. It's a loud 'bock, bock, bock, BAGAWK!' sound.

Ha ha. She's a loud one for sure. I even went home at lunch to take close ups of her feathers. Doesn't look like a roo to me one bit. What do you think?




The neck feathers are rounded, it's the pattern that makes them seem pointed. Ignore the pointy black stripe down the middle of the feather and look at the gold edge.
This is a good example of an egg song.
(not my video)
The neck feathers are rounded, it's the pattern that makes them seem pointed. Ignore the pointy black stripe down the middle of the feather and look at the gold edge.
This is a good example of an egg song.
(not my video)

Okay great! I can see that by that definition, those neck feathers are also rounded.

The egg song... my girl was lacking the "bok bok bok boks" that this bird was doing...but it definitely has the big squawk/bok that it was making. :)

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