Pullet very sick, vet appointment tomorrow. Should I try and keep it alive, or cull now?



Free Ranging
Premium Feather Member
Jul 3, 2022
NSW Australia
So this is the third pullet of mine to get very sick.
It always starts with them just looking a little bit off, hanging back from the group and not eating quite as much as normal.
Within a couple of days their crop is totally not emptying, they are not eating anything, and so weak they can hardly walk, before dying.
I opened up the last one lost, and all the digestive system looked horrible.
We have made a vet appointment for tomorrow, which was the soonest they could get us in. (and it was the weekend up till today, so couldn't do anything when I first saw her looking sick)
But I feel she is suffering, and I want to put her down; but if seeing her alive could help the vet understand what is going on, then for the sake of the other pullets I feel I should try and keep her alive. (which may not be successful anyway)
We don't have access to nearly as good labs to do a necropsy as you do in the US, so seeing the bird alive would help.
This thread isn't so much to get help, as i feel I have read all the threads there are on the subject; but more to help decide if I should cull to end her suffering, or to sacrifice her for another day to help the rest of the flock.
:hugs Feel your pain :hugs I'm with you, to prevent the suffering & knowing what the end result is, culling is the humane thing to do. You could then preserve the body (double plastic bag & refrigerate), see if your Vet could do a necropsy.

Since the last one you opened and the digestive system "looked horrible" wondering if it's a hereditary issue? Are they all related?
How old are they?
How's their poop, notice and blood or oddity with it?
What are you feeding?
Are they in a coop? What are you using for bedding?
@Kiki I see you are online, do you have any advice?
Sorry...I didn't see the tag sooner.

What I would do is take a video clear good long video of the bird to show the vet.
If you already had others die in a similar way then there's probably not a good chance this bird's going to make it.

I'm not convinced the vet will be able to tell anything more if she were alive.
:hugs Feel your pain :hugs I'm with you, to prevent the suffering & knowing what the end result is, culling is the humane thing to do. You could then preserve the body (double plastic bag & refrigerate), see if your Vet could do a necropsy.
Thank you.
I think this is what I'm going to do, as I know deep down she can't get better.
I don't keep them as pets, but it still hurts a lot seeing her like this.
Since the last one you opened and the digestive system "looked horrible" wondering if it's a hereditary issue? Are they all related?
No, almost completely unrelated, so I don't think that is an issue
How old are they?
Around 17 weeks, but I would have to check
How's their poop, notice and blood or oddity with it?
Nothing odd there, except after she stopped eating it was mostly just the white runny part
What are you feeding?
Pullet grower pellets, with lots of free ranging, and a little bit of scratch in the evenings
Are they in a coop? What are you using for bedding?
The coop is just used at night, with pine shavings as bedding.
I have had a red roost might infestation, but that is just about under control now.
Only thing I can think of is they may have picked up something free ranging, or that mite infestation "drained" them, making them anemic ... Just guessing but it wouldn't explain the digestive system. PLEASE if you find out anything, update us.

I did think of coccidiosis & worms as @Kiki mentioned, that's why I asked about the poop but then I recall "bloody" poop not always a sign.
Sorry...I didn't see the tag sooner.
No worries, thanks for helping!
What I would do is take a video clear good long video of the bird to show the vet.
If you already had others die in a similar way then there's probably not a good chance this bird's going to make it.
I hadn't thought of that, so thanks very much for the idea.
I'll go and do it in a moment.
I'm not convinced the vet will be able to tell anything more if she were alive.
Me neither, but I thought there was a chance.
But I think culling now is the way to go.
I bet I might get some hate for culling her 'at home'.
What do you feed?
Ad lib grower pellets, lots of free ranging, and a bit of scratch in the evening.
Is your vet coccidiosis and worms?
Sorry, what exactly are you asking here?
I have never had any problems with coccidiosis that I know of.
There has been some worms in the past, but all these pullets got dewormed fairly recently.
Only thing I can think of is they may have picked up something free ranging, or that mite infestation "drained" them, making them anemic ... Just guessing but it wouldn't explain the digestive system. PLEASE if you find out anything, update us.
I certainly will update you all!
I just don't know. There was one hen that had possible Mareks in the past, but none of the symptoms match up with that.
And I don't think it was anyway, it just couldn't be ruled out.

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