Pullet with swollen earlobes and maybe a bit crusty


May 15, 2016
I'm a first time chicken owner. No one is laying yet. One of my girls, who is acting completely normal, has swollen earlobes. I don't even know where to begin in treating this. Maybe some peroxide and bag balm.
I'm a first time chicken owner. No one is laying yet. One of my girls, who is acting completely normal, has swollen earlobes. I don't even know where to begin in treating this. Maybe some peroxide and bag balm.
Welcome to BYC.
Are both earlobes this way or just the one.

The yellow hard stuff is most likely hardened pus. I think you are on the right track with the peroxide. Use some to soften it up and see if you can work that out with some tweezers. If a "plug" comes out, you may want to use plain neosporin or vetericyn on the ear.

Check inside the ears to make sure there are no lice/mites that may be causing any further irritation.

Let us know how it goes.

https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/919235/ear-infection-in-rooster#post_16439866 (post #3)
Thank you so much for the response. I attempted to get it out, but it is in there really good. I put a cotton ball with peroxide on it and tried to let it soften. Once she got anxious I tried once again to remove it. Still would not budge. I put some bag balm on it hoping that will help loosen it. I checked it after a couple of hours and it looks like some of it came off. I'll give it another go today. She knows I'm up to something, so I'll have to get her in the coop to catch her. I'll update once I try again.
It took me a bit of work to catch her today. After yesterday she figured out that I may be coming back and avoided me like the plague. She even turned down some of her favorite treats. With the help of my chicken loving nephew we got the 'plug' out. It was not a task for the squeamish. It was exactly like the photos show. She was not happy with me and quickly scurried under the camper.
I hope to never have to do one of those procedures again. Now that brings me to aftercare. I put some balm on it. I'll clean it and reapply daily. Any special boosting foods or anything special I should give her?
It took me a bit of work to catch her today. After yesterday she figured out that I may be coming back and avoided me like the plague. She even turned down some of her favorite treats. With the help of my chicken loving nephew we got the 'plug' out. It was not a task for the squeamish. It was exactly like the photos show. She was not happy with me and quickly scurried under the camper.
I hope to never have to do one of those procedures again. Now that brings me to aftercare. I put some balm on it. I'll clean it and reapply daily. Any special boosting foods or anything special I should give her?

You did well!
I'm so glad you were able to get that out. Sounds like you had a great helper.

Just keep an eye on it for any sign of oozing, more pus or odor. Apply your balm or some plain neosporin daily like you plan.

You can offer her some poultry vitamins for a couple of days and a little extra protein like scrambled/hard boiled egg, mackerel or meat if you like.
If she finds out she gets a little egg after treatment, she may work with you a little easier ( good luck - let me know if that works

Keep us updated on her progress.

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