PULLETS!? Any Breed Guesses?


Aug 28, 2018
Two chickens here (we picked up today - currently in quarantine. We aren’t sure if we have two pullets OR one of each gender.

BLUE - cockerel??
PINK - pullet?

5 month old. Born in June.

Also, any guesses on breed?

PINK - looks like an EE?
BLUE - ??
I’d say Easter Egger for both. Basically ‘mutt’ chickens with blue laying ancestors. They can lay green hued eggs as well. They very similar to Ameraucanas but Amaraunas are an APA recognized breed so they have quite strict breed requirements and you won’t just ‘find’ one. Easter Eggers are still beautiful birds though, enjoy them!
I’d say Easter Egger for both. Basically ‘mutt’ chickens with blue laying ancestors. They can lay green hued eggs as well. They very similar to Ameraucanas but Amaraunas are an APA recognized breed so they have quite strict breed requirements and you won’t just ‘find’ one. Easter Eggers are still beautiful birds though, enjoy them!
Any guesses of when they’d start laying? We added light to the coop a week ago but all our existing hens stopped laying (natural sun light is only 9 hrs so we added 4 extra)

Thank you!
I’d say Easter Egger. Basically ‘mutt’ chickens with ancestors that lay blue eggs
Any guesses of when they’d start laying? We added light to the coop a week ago but all our existing hens stopped laying (natural sun light is only 9 hrs so we added 4 extra)

Thank you!
They will probably start laying in the next month or so! Make sure you have a high enouugh calcium amount in your feed and I would recommend offering free choice ground oyster shells as well. I find it useful for my girls, espically if they just started laying or are older. Me personally, I don’t supplement light as I believe(correct me if I’m wrong) hens have all the eggs they will ever lay already in their ovaries in undeveloped(unshelled obviously) form, this is similar to many animals with ovaries. So, you can get your birds to pump out loads of eggs it the first years with extra light or other laying stimulates but you’ll end up with birds that don’t/can’t lay in younger age as they just don’t have any eggs that they’re body to. If you don’t want to keep your birds old age this isn’t a issues or if NEED your birds to lay year round. Of course, do whatever you seek fit and want!
Both beautiful girls I love the frizzy feathers on them, I'm in the same boat waiting on my girls I hatched june 3rd hopefully within the next month they will start laying.
They are both EE pullets. They'll probably start laying within the next month or so.

They look so different from our EE! And their feathers are SO SOFT! Never felt this kind of feather on chickens before. Here’s a pic of our EE who’s 6 month old (laid two eggs and stopped lol...she’s molting now)
I’d say Easter Egger. Basically ‘mutt’ chickens with ancestors that lay blue eggs

They will probably start laying in the next month or so! Make sure you have a high enouugh calcium amount in your feed and I would recommend offering free choice ground oyster shells as well. I find it useful for my girls, espically if they just started laying or are older. Me personally, I don’t supplement light as I believe(correct me if I’m wrong) hens have all the eggs they will ever lay already in their ovaries in undeveloped(unshelled obviously) form, this is similar to many animals with ovaries. So, you can get your birds to pump out loads of eggs it the first years with extra light or other laying stimulates but you’ll end up with birds that don’t/can’t lay in younger age as they just don’t have any eggs that they’re body to. If you don’t want to keep your birds old age this isn’t a issues or if NEED your birds to lay year round. Of course, do whatever you seek fit and want!

Ah I see. Thanks for the info! We do want a few eggs in the winter so we will supplement a bit of light this year and see how it goes!

We are giving the quail a break this winter. Next winter will be the chickens’ time to break :) we are new (first season) to having chickens but LOVING them so far!

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