Pullets jumping and kicking at one another????


Crossing the Road
12 Years
Apr 21, 2012
North Texas
I have two (supposed-to-be) pullets that are about 17 weeks old. They run around together, forage together, eat side-by-side, and get along wonderfully. They were purchased as chicks and kept in the brooder together. Today, I witnessed one of them jump up and kick the other one. Both of them flared out their neck feathers at one another. Having two roosters, I am concerned. My roosters exhibited this behavior when they were very young. None of my hens have done this. -just wondering if I have a roo rather than a pullet or if others have experience with hens doing this sort of thing. (They immediately began running around together and scratching about the lawn after their brief skirmish.) Anyone else have kicking pullets/hens???
-so one of yours WAS a roo? Uh-oh.... I am now beginning to think that my GLW "pullet" must be a roo.
Pullets will also play with each other that way, so if you are not seeing any physical signs of them looking like little roos they could be hens. You could post pictures in the What Breed/Sex section.
My pullets do that all the time, I think they are just working out there pecking order amongst themselves. Totally normal chicken behavior. Not an indication of a roo....even if roo's do it too!
Enjoy your chickens!
....well. I had to click on the link.
Ohhhhh lawd.....!
-feeling better now. I posted a pic of "her" in the what breed/gender section when she was a good bit younger. The general consensus was pullet. Her lack of crowing and feathering indicate she is a pullet, but her comb and wattles developed fairly early. -and after the kicking episode I began to wonder. Since others have had similar experiences, I suppose she is indeed a gal!

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