Pullets making noise!!

The hen is quiet now and out of the nesting box and look what we have here!!!

Thanks for the hand holding everyone. She is not a pullet or a rooster but a confirmed egg-laying hen!


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Pullets make a lot of noise especially when they are at the age of laying. when she is squatting that means she is ready to lay eggs and chicken squat to mate. The pullet will squat and the rooster gets on her back... If you do not have a rooster, they think you are a rooster:gigwhen mine did that before I had roosters, I'd pet their back.

When a pullet lays an egg they usually have an egg song which is very loud...
The hen is quiet now and out of the nesting box and look what we have here!!!

Thanks for the hand holding everyone. She is not a pullet or a rooster but a confirmed egg-laying hen!
That's a nice looking egg! Congrats on having a laying pullet. The others may follow pursuit now that she's laid. Mine seem to have competitions on who will lay first then within a week they're all laying.
on feed, I would just use all flock or flock raiser which ever brand calls it, and give either Crushed egg shell or or Oyster shell on the side or occasionally scatters, that way you don't have to keep changing feeds, on the eggs, I don't wash until going to cook, just put in the fridge, washing disturbs the bloom that protects the eggs from stuff getting into them.
The hen is quiet now and out of the nesting box and look what we have here!!!

Thanks for the hand holding everyone. She is not a pullet or a rooster but a confirmed egg-laying hen!

Two quick questions. Does it make sense to switch their feed to layer feed now? Also, do you need to rinse the eggshell at all? I read that it might take away the protective layer. What is best practice? Thanks!!
:woot Congratulations on your first egg! That's a beautiful egg too!
Personally, I wouldn't switch to layer feed, if that's what you are planning on feeding them from now on, until they have started laying or until your bag of starter is getting low, then transition them, no need to waste feed.
Some do like I do and use an all flock/flock raiser feed all their lives, while others use layer feed - your choice/preference. Oyster shell should be provided free choice regardless of the type of feed you decide to use.

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