Pullets making noise!!

OhBrother!! Little stinkers!

Hope the rocks are way bigger than eggs :D

The rocks were heavy and much bigger than the eggs. Smaller than the chickens, though!

I filled the entire area under and behind the ramp.

Sigh. I KNEW if they ever hid their eggs, it would have been there. Should have filled it with rocks long ago. :rolleyes:


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Every time I come here I find exactly what I'm looking for! I didn't even have to ask the question--just opened the hot topics email and here it is! My girls are about the same age as OP's and one started "singing" this morning. From the back door she sounded like a dog in distress! She's the most talkative, but she's never been this enthusiastic before. Time to open the nesting boxes and plant some fake eggs! Yay!
its the black on on the right that is the clucker/squawker.
Congratulations. It’s so exciting to find your first egg. I am no expert in the matter however you might have more than one laying eggs because none of the ones in the picture at least to my knowledge will lay that color eggs. Check in places where you least expect and you might find more eggs. It happened to me in the last two days I found eggs two different days in the same spot. Picked one up and the next day found another one. The only reason I even thought of checking is because the culprit was singing the egg song near that area and she was the only one that didn’t lay eggs yet. Still not sure is her because she’s supposed to be a Welsummer and the egg is a dark brown egg. Sneaky little buggers.
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View attachment 1923411 Congratulations! How exciting! Please forgive me for asking on your thread, but I am curious about one of my pullets. I have 5 pullets that turn 16 Weeks Old today. One of the barred rocks(she's the smallest of all 5 birds, including the other barred rock Pullet) has a bright red comb, face and wattles. It seemed to happen over a couple of days that her color changed and her comb even looks like it grew a little. Isn't 16 weeks still young? I was thinking it'd be another month before they started laying. All 5 are the same age (Buff Orpington, 2 Barred Rocks, and 2 SLW). The Wyandotte's are getting red faces and wattles but their combs haven't grown or changed. The other BR and the BO are still pale in color beside the others. This thread just got me wondering if I need to get their nesting box ready before I had anticipated.

Edited to add the best picture I have at the moment. I'll get a better picture as soon as I get home. She's having some water in the picture
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My chicks are on their 20th week and they are talking like crazy and the Buff Orpington will squat every time I walk into the run. She's been doing that for a couple of days now. The Speckled Sussex and the Lavender Orpington hasn't yet. I keep telling the rooster who I call Mr. Checkers, he's a Doninique, that he needs to get busy. He just looks up sideways at me as if to say. I have no idea what you are taking about. LOL
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