Pulleys stopped laying?

They need (if I remember right) around 12 hrs of light in order to lay very much. I may have missed it if you said whether you’re supplementing their light. If you choose not to supplement light (which many do choose in order to give the girls a break) then you’re not going to see a lot of eggs until spring lengthens the days again.
We are still getting a little under 13 hours of sunlight where I live but I know that won’t last much longer! When I went back and looked at the numbers and realized the drop lined up perfectly with the broody hen, I started thinking that could be it. She’s got about 10 more days until they hatch so I guess we’ll see what happens!
If you have room, you might consider adding an extra nest box or two, away from where your broody has set up housekeeping. You don’t need anything fancy. A plastic dish tub in a cozy corner would work, or something similar.

Have you candled the eggs? You should see development by 7-10 days. If nothing is happening, you could work to break her broodiness or get her a couple of chicks from your farm store and complete the circle for her.
We didn’t plan on this many chickens. We ended up with some extras and were advised to keep them all at first because they might not all make it.
I misread the parting with more, sorry...yes, he should let go of some.
Hard lesson in chickeneering is having to thin the flock.
Yes I candled them! 2 looked good as far as I can tell and the bantam egg had a blood ring so it had to go.
If you have room, you might consider adding an extra nest box or two, away from where your broody has set up housekeeping. You don’t need anything fancy. A plastic dish tub in a cozy corner would work, or something similar.

Have you candled the eggs? You should see development by 7-10 days. If nothing is happening, you could work to break her broodiness or get her a couple of chicks from your farm store and complete the circle for her.

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