Pulling out wing feathers


Mar 25, 2020
So my new rescue duck, Sparkles, has been doing great. Feet are healthy and no more scabs, she’s been integrated with the flock. The other ducks play and swim and forage with her. All is good

I got her a coop like the other ducks. It’s 2 ducks to a coop. She obviously has her own at the moment as we have 5 ducks.

Over the past couple days I have gone out in the morning to find her coop full of her long wing feathers. And her wings today are pretty much featherless.

she also hasn’t been eating at night. She eats during the day with the other ducks, but not really at night. She stopped eating the Walter melon slicesI put in her coop as a nightly treat.

I think she may be depressed and bored without a coop mate. She lays on the ground and just watched the other ducks in the next coop

Would a 6th duck and a coop mate help do you all think?
Here is a pic of the coop set up inside the duck pen. Hers is the middle one. Thought since she is alone in hers being in the middle would maybe make her feel not alone, but I don’t think it’s working

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