
Because, a chicken forum know more about dogs then a vet who trained for 8 years for this does.:rolleyes:
New information is constantly coming out though. If they went to school 50 years ago or even 10 their information could be pretty outdated if they haven’t kept up/continued education. Which it doesn’t sound like they have since they’re recommending breeding a dog with health issues instead of doing more tests to try to solve said issue…
Because, a chicken forum know more about dogs then a vet who trained for 8 years for this does.:rolleyes:
Well, if I followed the vet's advice at the time, this little guy would have been dead for 6 years already ;)


There are all kinds of users with all kinds of professions and their respective knowledge and experiences here on BYC, so never underestimate the collective knowledge/widsom of the crowd. :p

But of course, always use your own good judgment as well.

Edit: typo
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I am just saying that "some" people don't know everything, and contradicting a docter/vet is a pretty mighty claim.
Vets/doctors don’t know everything either. They’re humans not magicians. And there’s tons of cases of them misdiagnosing. Happens quite often actually. I should note though I’m not saying to not trust them or never go to one or whatever but just be careful or maybe get a second opinion if that’s an option. My vet had never even heard of the disease my last dog had. They don’t know everything.
Well, if I followed the vet's advice at the time, this little guy would have been dead for 6 years already ;)

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There are all kinds of users with all kinds of professions and their respective knowledge and experiences here on BYC, so never underestimate the collective knowledge/widsom of the crowd. :p

But of course, always use your own good judgment as well.

Edit: typo
Yes this too! Maybe some of them are vets 😂😜

And I’m glad your little guy is still here. ❤️❤️❤️
I agree that they are just human, and can make mistakes. All I am saying is just because you haven't heard of something before doesn't mean is is wrong. So I agree with what was said just not how it was communicated.
Yeah I guess that’s true but it just seemed like a really odd suggestion especially given most people today are extremely pro altering which I don’t necessarily agree with either but yeah. Here they even neuter 12 week old puppies. So for a vet to say to breed her was odd/surprising to me is all. Especially since I don’t think it would necessarily fix it? Maybe it would though, idk. I feel like if anything it would be passing health problems on to the puppies and encouraging backyard breeding.
Especially since I don’t think it would necessarily fix it? Maybe it would though, idk. I feel like if anything it would be passing health problems on to the puppies and encouraging backyard breeding.
With my very limited knowledge purely based off of research I've done, I do think that breeding can be beneficial to their hormones. The reproductive hormones play a big role in the immune system. I haven't done a ton of reading on this specific subject, but maybe breeding would help balance hormones that are off? That might make sense to me. Again, this is mostly my assumption, not cold hard facts. :p

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