Puppy training advice

Another example of correcting unwanted behavior:
We have a courtyard in the front with a gate and every time someone drops off a package the dogs go crazy. I want them to alert us when someones at our house but I don't want them to bark non-stop. I say 'hush' 'sit' then 'yes'. I don't just say 'hush' then 'yes' because it would be like rewarding them for barking. I make them sit because I do like that. This way they don't put barking with treats ya'know.
I may have never thought of that! Thank you
That’s awesome!! :love I wanna go to a breeder for my next dog and have them pick hahah never done that before
Just do your research or really get to know your breeder. There are people out here that try to do it for a quick buck.. you can’t breed if you’re just looking at getting rich quick! This is an expensive hobby! 😂 you’ll know the people who are good because you will really see the love they have for their dogs. It’s an emotional process for me every single time we whelp a litter. I about cry as each pup is born! It’s like seeing your baby having babies. I’m a 28 year old woman, and I call myself Nana to these pups 🤣 but I really do wish you the best of luck when you decide to bring a new four legged baby into your family! Our dogs have literally changed our lives!
Just do your research or really get to know your breeder. There are people out here that try to do it for a quick buck.. you can’t breed if you’re just looking at getting rich quick! This is an expensive hobby! 😂 you’ll know the people who are good because you will really see the love they have for their dogs. It’s an emotional process for me every single time we whelp a litter. I about cry as each pup is born! It’s like seeing your baby having babies. I’m a 28 year old woman, and I call myself Nana to these pups 🤣 but I really do wish you the best of luck when you decide to bring a new four legged baby into your family! Our dogs have literally changed our lives!
Oh yeah, I always do tons of research!!! Hahah I’m a bit obsessed. :lau 😂🤣🙈 I’m constantly researching all things dog and animal related just for fun 😂🤣🙈🙈 and I love looking at breeders especially lol have tons saved for various breeds 😂🤣🤣

And awww that’s amazingly :love
Oh yeah, I always do tons of research!!! Hahah I’m a bit obsessed. :lau 😂🤣🙈 I’m constantly researching all things dog and animal related just for fun 😂🤣🙈🙈 and I love looking at breeders especially lol have tons saved for various breeds 😂🤣🤣

And awww that’s amazingly :love
I’m not a “Big Time” breeder, meaning I don’t have a website or anything, but I keep in contact with all of the pups my dogs have whelped. We see them at least twice a year... yes, ALL OF THEM 😂 as many pups as I have whelped this year, I should probably create a site for this just to make it easier lmao! I have 2 females, each female only has one litter a year (I don’t want to overwork my girls) and just from the 2 litters this spring we whelped 26 pups. It has been an AMAZING experience!
I’m not a “Big Time” breeder, meaning I don’t have a website or anything, but I keep in contact with all of the pups my dogs have whelped. We see them at least twice a year... yes, ALL OF THEM 😂 as many pups as I have whelped this year, I should probably create a site for this just to make it easier lmao! I have 2 females, each female only has one litter a year (I don’t want to overwork my girls) and just from the 2 litters this spring we whelped 26 pups. It has been an AMAZING experience!
Oh wow that is so amazing!!! :love :love and wow those are some big litters!!! LOL

Have you considered maybe making like a private Facebook group or something for the families??? Or a group chat text or something??? Something like that might be easier maybe???
Oh wow that is so amazing!!! :love :love and wow those are some big litters!!! LOL

Have you considered maybe making like a private Facebook group or something for the families??? Or a group chat text or something??? Something like that might be easier maybe???
This site is the closest I get to social media. Social media is the devil! 😂 #waterboy
"At ease" can be a good release word too. My boy uses "that's enough" for his dog. Another thought, I never tell people my dogs' names in public. If you do, the first thing people do is start ordering your dog around. "Buddy, come! Buddy, sit! Here, Buddy!" Makes me nuts. It's like handing them the keys to your car. Why should my dog obey a complete stranger? I make up a new name practically every time we go out. I had one lady tell me, "Your dog doesn't like me. Why doesn't your dog like me? ALL dogs like me!" She was quite upset. I told her my dog was trained not to obey strangers, just like children shouldn't. She just kept asking, "Why doesn't your dog LIKE me?" SMH.
I would take him to training at Petco. They will usually understand what works best for you and your dog. Some are treat motivated, some like toys, and some just want to be pet. As long as there is the keyword like 'yes'. I am very pro positive, and if you're getting a young dog any behavior issues you can easily correct with positive training before they get out of hand. It can be the same for older dogs or rescues, but if it's to the point where someone could get hurt, then you may need to try something different. Do your research, ask some trainers, see what works best for your dog. For example, our neighbors across the street have a very aggressive pit bull that would hurt my small dogs. In that case I would give her plenty of exercise so she wouldn't have any pent up energy that could be turned into aggression. I would stay out of areas with lots of people for safety reasons. I would be firm and say 'no' when I saw behavior I didn't like and re-direct her and show her what I do like. If she was still aggressive and could hurt someone or their dog, then, only after lots of training, would I maybe use a prong, but only for safety. I would still use positive training and correct bad behavior though, and find a trainer. Zak George has a lot of videos on aggression.
Just keep in mind that Petco is in business to sell product. I don't use treats in my training, and they insisted that I must if i wanted to hold classes in their store. So I didn't.
Just do your research or really get to know your breeder. There are people out here that try to do it for a quick buck.. you can’t breed if you’re just looking at getting rich quick! This is an expensive hobby! 😂 you’ll know the people who are good because you will really see the love they have for their dogs. It’s an emotional process for me every single time we whelp a litter. I about cry as each pup is born! It’s like seeing your baby having babies. I’m a 28 year old woman, and I call myself Nana to these pups 🤣 but I really do wish you the best of luck when you decide to bring a new four legged baby into your family! Our dogs have literally changed our lives!
If I were I breeder.. Oh man,you'd have to come with a resume with all your research, a would need to see where the puppy would stay, if they had a good setup prepared, i would probably have little dogs so no kids or future kids, they'd have have experience with dogs and smaller dogs, and I'd have to have updates for the first month or so and at least twice a year. And, the dogs would probably be very very expensive, not that I really care about making a whole lot of money off it (beside to spoil my dogs), but just to be sure they go to a good home, in a good neighborhood, and that the people really care about dogs and would be willing to pay for a good breeder. I would also have a nursery setup made for royalty, and an area for the mom to lounge and still watch the puppies. When I'm older and have my own house, I'll setup a full nursery room for any future puppers.

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