Purchased Feed Grains


Mar 2, 2022
Reading 10 ways to save on feed it's mentioned chickens can be wasteful . If you'll analyze the supposedly waste around the feeder i believe you'll find that discarded grain is light weight and has no value to a chicken . Be careful choosing your grain feeds because if watch closely you can see whats happening when the chicken flips the head / beak sideways as they eliminate those grain kernels from the feeder .

Or you get buy/build no waste feeders. Whole grain feeds should be moistened to allow for the nutrient powder to be consumed and not left behind, resulting in deficiency.
Pelleted feeds are a better option.
....and cracked grain feeds too, anything that is not a pellet, crumble, or mash.
Not allowing the chicken not to choose the published weight of grain over light weight trash grain and floor sweepings is force feeding them inferior grain .
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