Purple bill


12 Years
Jun 17, 2009
I purchased 3 Pekin and 3 Rousen ducklings. 1 of the pekins had a blue bill. As she has grown her bill has turned almost purple and her feathers are sort of tan. She always looks dirty but she not it is her feather coloring. Her feet are ok. Just wondering if anyone has any ideas what is going on. I was advised when I first got her that she may have bad circulation. Bad circulation shouldn't change her feather color should it? Thanks in advance.


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She looked very much like that when I got her. I got them at the local feed store. I'm glad to hear she looks healthy. I've been worried about her. I am new to ducks and thank you all.
Where did you get them? I think the bill color looks kind of like a Welsh harlequin as it's growing out. Similar to the ones by the purple flowers on this page: https://www.omlet.com.au/images/cac...ucks-growing-by-the-day-b3b87ed5_32ede817.jpg
That would explain the feather color, too.
Definitely a buff! A buff hen's bill can range from an orange to a brown color. When a buff has bill that is not quite orange and not quite brown it often will appear almost purple.

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