Put in a screened picture window lol

May 19, 2018
Made a change to the coop we built. I put a screened picture window(31x18) in for the girls. I felt it needed more ventilation, especially with the higher than normal temps we are having. Nothing like others but still hot to us. Hope they like it, they haven't been in it yet. But when they do go they will find it is much better on temp & air flow.
Was hoping the girls would like the new window. They hadn't been in the coop since I did it. Just looked and they are on their roost turned to where they can see out. Just have to think about how I will close up most of it for the winter. Thinking of leaving a 5x31 opening for the winter ventilation.
We put styrofoam over window then plastic ,and we shut the shutters

And by the way the “ curtains” on nesting boxes aren’t for curb appeal the hens like a dark place to lay , it’s true .we spray painted the insides of our boxes black too

We covered 2 out of 6 they all laid behind the plaid curtains !!
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The older hens(3 years old) are weird, before we took them in they ran all over the place. Had a dirt nest & laid their eggs in front of our lawn mower out in the open lol. Now they have a nice coop to roost and a dual stainless steel nesting box that has a step bar that can be lifted up to block off the nest from broody hens. The 2 chicks will hopefully follow what the older hens do, when they get integrated. Which won't be for some time. They will be 8 weeks Sunday. At 10 weeks I'm going to take the panel (like the window) off the wire pen and see how all do. Of course I will be supervising. They have had see but no touch for a month.

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