putting ducklings outside - minimum temps?


9 Years
Feb 27, 2015
We have 10 ducklings in a kiddie pool...they're getting cramped and I'm worried about sanitation. 4 are 3 weeks old and the will be this weekEnd. I'm thinking about moving them onto the screened porch with their brooder lamp and a baby monitor. If the temp is 60 or above at night, will this work? I don't know how much longer we can handle them inside.
at this stage start removing the heat lamp a bit let them get accustomed to the temperature :)

it is probably about time that they get out of there personally i would have done it at week 2 and mved them into a larger pen still in the house , they can go out and free range soon so be wary of that and its very good for them

dont suddenly stop the heat lamp but dont leave it on 24 7 and if possible lower the heat if u can just to get them used to normal temps
at this stage start removing the heat lamp a bit let them get accustomed to the temperature  :)

it is probably about time that they get out of there personally i would have done it at week 2 and mved them into a larger pen still in the house , they can go out and free range soon so be wary of that and its very good for them :)  

dont suddenly stop the heat lamp but dont leave it on 24 7 and if possible lower the heat if u can just to get them used to normal temps 

Thanks! The lamp is up quite high, probably 75 in the brooder, house Is usually 70-75. A couple were near it last night and panting, so I had to move my little geniuses and rearrange a bit. I just have nowhere else in the house to put them where they won't be eaten by dogs or mauled by small children. On the screened porch I can spread out their setup. We've had them in a little pen out in the yard a little bit which they love. Many things just say to wait until 6+ weeks, but we're not going to make that! Thanks for the help

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