Putting live chicks under broody hen


Jan 18, 2022
I don’t even have a broody hen currently. But I was wondering if anyone tried to stick live chicks under a broody hen, when she hadn’t been broody for long?

Let’s say she had been sitting for 5 days, and you put live chicks under her, and took any eggs she was laying on. Would she react as if the appropriate amount of time had passed?

Asking because I have a hen that gets broody but I don’t have a rooster. So she sits on duds. My options are to find fertilized eggs to get under her, or try the live chick thing (or break her broodiness, but I like that option least currently). Just looking for thought and opinions because I’m curious. 😊
I thought they probably have some type of internal timer I shouldn’t try to tamper with too much.
It depends on the individual hen lot, some might be quite happy with chicks at any time they are broody, but others will have to sit the full three weeks.
I have done it around day 13? and she took slightly longer to except them, but she did.
She looked rather puzzled to start with!
I was wondering if anyone tried to stick live chicks under a broody hen, when she hadn’t been broody for long?

Let’s say she had been sitting for 5 days, and you put live chicks under her, and took any eggs she was laying on. Would she react as if the appropriate amount of time had passed?
I've tried it. One hen accepted chicks in a case like that, another hen did not. So 50% success with a very small sample size.

I've had at least 5 different hens accept chicks when they sat for 3-4 weeks, and I think only one that did not. (This has been spread over a number of years, so my count may be off by a little bit-- but it definitely worked most times.)

Asking because I have a hen that gets broody but I don’t have a rooster. So she sits on duds. My options are to find fertilized eggs to get under her, or try the live chick thing (or break her broodiness, but I like that option least currently). Just looking for thought and opinions because I’m curious. 😊
If you want to try giving her chicks, I would let her sit for at least 2 weeks and preferably 3 before giving her the chicks. I think it is more likely to be successful at that point.
So I have a bantam hen that goes broody all the time. I normally break her from it but twice i have bought day old chicks. All i have to do is lift the nesting box lid and let her hear the babies in the box. However, she was broody for a couple of weeks before I tried it. They start peeping and she gets soooo excited. I literally just stick them in the nesting box with her and she immediately starts tucking them underneath her. She might not even have eggs under her. Normally when I have a broody hen, I remove the eggs every day because we don’t have a rooster. Broody hens will sit on “nothing” and still hope for babies. I have never had to take an egg and quickly slip a baby under her. I just start taking babies out of the box and handing them to her. She is an amazing mom. I let her have her babies in the large coop, with the other hens, but after a few hours, I remove her and put her and the babies in a separate small coop/run. However, if you have a hen that starts immediately pecking at the new babies….she isn’t ready. If she doesn’t take to the babies instantly, don’t leave them with her. Good luck and enjoy!
I had a broody bantam brama and she was sitting on 14 eggs all unfertilized. So I went to tractor supply and bought 4 chicks (all that was left). They were all black like her except for one little white one. We waited till she was roasting took out all the eggs and replace them with the babies. The little white one didn't make it but I still have all those babies...she and a fellow hen raised them.
I had a broody bantam brama and she was sitting on 14 eggs all unfertilized. So I went to tractor supply and bought 4 chicks (all that was left). They were all black like her except for one little white one. We waited till she was roasting took out all the eggs and replace them with the babies. The little white one didn't make it but I still have all those babies...she and a fellow hen raised them.
That’s awesome. Yah you can get any color or breed of day old chicks for a broody…she’s not prejudice. Lol!!!!! Seriously they don’t care….they just want babies. Sorry about the little white one but that can happen for all kinds of reasons. Enjoy your babies!!!
I would like to ask a follow up question. I have a broody hen (she’s been broody for about 3 weeks) I just bought chicks to try to put underneath her but realize I didn’t think it through all the way. I will wait until night time to put the chicks under her but then what? Do I leave momma and babies in the coop with the rest of the flock? Do I have to separate them? If everyone is all together, what do I feed them that will be nourishing to chicks and layers? I’m kicking myself now for not being more prepared
I have done it multiple times with great success, but I would let her sit for st least a couple of weeks or she may not be broody enough.

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