Putting newly hatched Pheasant Chicks w/ Quail Chicks


10 Years
Feb 20, 2009
My Pheasants have just started to hatch, the Yellow Golden hatched today and the Black Ringneck and Chinese Ringneck in the next few days. I also have 12 Japanese Quail that are about 1 week old.

Would it be ok to put them in the same brooder?

This is my first time hatching pheasants, I have read they can peck each other pretty bad, so I don't want any conflicts.
I'm going to have the same delema here in however long it takes to hatch pheasant eggs from today

I wont be housing them together just because of this..I *MAY* put them intogether and supervise and if everything is okay maybe leave htem alone fo ra half hour and keep coming back to check on them utnil i feel safe but if I did it i'd probably only do it whil ethey were tiny but once they started getting flighty i'd remove the pheasants to their own brooder just incase ya never know
Yes you can brood them together. We do. We have one buff or white pheasant that was put in with our quail. He/she/it is doing just fine. They are together in the wild so they should be fine while they are young. You can always seperate them when they get a little older or when your brooder gets too full. My husband says that if you have too many birds together you may have pecking problems or they can lay down on eachother.
BUT if you are needing to save some room you can put them together. Hope that helps.
together in the wild?? are you meaning ringnecks and bobwhites? LOL.
I've really never seen them together but i guess you could look at it that way
Thanks for the responses.

Ok, so far so good.
The 2 yellow golden pheasants that hatched today are with the quail and seem to enjoy their company. I have watched to make sure there is no pecking.

I have around 10 more pheasant eggs of different species that have pipped today and should be hatching within the next day or so.
I have about 20+ day-old quail in with a 2 week old Melanstic Mutant Chick and a 2 week old Coturnix chick.

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