Putting our babies in the barn

Mama Ducker

In the Brooder
6 Years
Oct 17, 2013
Southern NH
Last year we got 6 Mallards and this year we got 2 Pekins. The Pekins are 5 weeks old and we just got them in the barn last night. I was so worried that my male mallards will hurt them but being Pekins at 5 weeks old they are almost as big as the Mallards. The first night that we tried, one of the males attacked one of the babies. so I kept them in the house again. Last night my husband had a "talk" with the boys and I went to check on them this morning and YES they made it!! Everyone was happy and nesting when I opened the doors. The babies were hiding behind a nest box but were relaxed and comfy! I am so relieved!
Well, I put them in the barn first tonight just as my husband did last night and when the Mallards went in there was no squabbling or anything. I checked on them a while later and all is still good. Keeping my fingers crossed that they worked out their differences. Hope I wont regret it
When I was introducing younger ducklings to older ones, I introduced them during the day when they had plenty of room to roam, and then at night put them in the coop. The older ones were a little bully about "this is MY place to sleep, you get that corner over there," but they didn't bully each other. I put them out in the run together for 3 days, taking the babies in at night, then one night put the babies in the coop and just some territorial stuff, pecking order and what not, but once that was established they moved on. Now they all snuggle together.
That is what I did too. For a week I left them in the yard with our Mallards during the day but brought them in at night. now they are in the barn every night and we haven't had any problems, a little bullying from the drakes but these guys are getting big quick so hopefully all will stay good. We have 3 mallards eggs about to hatch on Easter, looking forward to babies again!

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