Putting the girls into their new hen house-HELP!

I moved my babies out from the brooder box in May. I put them in a little hen house I had and they got used to going in at dusk. When I moved them to the big pen 20' X 25' and a 4x8 hen house with 8 laying boxes they just naturally went in at night. You may have to put them up a few times and run them in. But if they like to be out I say let them. Make sure no hawks can get to them with them being so little.
Locked in 2-3 days worked well for us. We have a large attached run and their first full day out in the run I put them back in the coop in the evening, the second day they put themselves to bed just fine.
same for us- had them in the coop for 4-5 days without access to the outside world (the first two days were stressful for sure!) and then let them out of the coop into the run over the weekend. Showed them how to use the ramp to go up to bed on day one and now they are pros. Came home yesterday evening to see they had already put themselves to bed and all I had to do was shut and lock the pop door. In the morning they are eager to leave the coop and go into the run so that hasn't been a problem either.

They caught on a lot quicker than I gave them credit for- hope yours do too!
I converted a storage shed in my yard to a coop by putting in windows, roost bars, and a shelf with nest boxes... granted, my pullets are not laying yet, and won't for maybe a couple more months, but my goofy girls are now refusing to roost on the roost bars... They just all huddle together in a corner on the ground... What gives?
Kelly T-

How high is the roost bar off the ground and how old are your girls? You may want to build a smaller roost off of the ground for them to get used to the concept. My girls always had a small roost from 2 weeks on so they were pretty used to it. They are also 10 weeks old and my roost bar is about 18" off the ground so they jump on and off with ease.
They are approx. 15 weeks old, the roost bars are a little over 3 feet high, but i know they can get up there, because they like to sit on top of my 6' privacy fence... (which is very annoying, as my neighbors are not thrilled about my chickens possibly getting into their yards...) I even tried to show them that the rafters (approx 7') were an option, in case they like the higher bar, but they just hop down and huddle in the corner. They are safe enough on the ground in the coop, it just puzzles me. i also don't want to accidentally step on one when going out to get eggs in the evenings after work...
I put mine in the coop with no outside access for 2 days. It gives them time to get used to new home and practice getting on higher roost. Then on 3rd day I open the run and move their food and water outside. Depending on their personalities I will allow them out to the yard on the 6th or 7th day. Most go right in at night. Did have a group that liked the plum tree next to the coop and would wait in it for me to put them in . It was funny, they were 2 foot from the door but would wait for me to pick them up.
Kelly- Maybe try with a smaller bar a few inches off the ground and then move them higher? That is odd since they like you 6' fence, they are old enough to make it up to that roost bar with no problem...

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