putting them outside


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 29, 2014
i live in north east Ohio and I have 7 Silkie chicks. today I put them out in the coop. I don't plan on letting them outside all day right now but I just couldn't take the smell in my house anymore so they are locked in the coop. they are 4 weeks old. will they be okay? I do plan on turning a heat lamp on at night for them I think, but do I even need this?
Are they fully feathered yet? At four weeks old, they should able to withstand temperatures down to 70 degrees or so. It would be a good idea, I think, to provide a little heat.
I take my two week old chicks outside and let them hangout in the yard while I do chores around the house. During the day they are fine as long as they are given the chance to thermo regulate. So they need to be able to get in the sun, or out of the sun.

I would only be concerned about night time temperatures

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