putting two flocks together


5 Years
Oct 25, 2018
Western New York
So we have a very complex setup for our birds. We have an overnight pen where they can be locked in safely from predators and a moveable day pen where we move them around the yard to get fresh grass bugs etc. We have two sets of each of these pens. One pen has 6 of my year old hens in it and the other has 8 of my 12 week old chicks in it. I put the day pens side by side so the two flocks can see each other and get used to each other. We have been doing this for about 2-3 weeks now. I would like to put the two flocks together and just have one pen each. We let both flocks out together in the evening when we are moving them, but they really just ignore each other and go to their separate overnight pens. Whenever one of the babies goes near one of the big girls, the big girl will peck them and they will run back with the other babies. I'm not sure what to do next in order to integrate both flocks. I understand about pecking order, but I also want to protect the babies. Will the big girls kill the babies if I put them in with the babies? If I put them in the overnight pen there is a run and room for them to "escape" also. Thanks for the help!! I think this is one of the hardest jobs of having chickens!! :barnie
Hi there! There is a pecking order also they are desperate flocks, but they should eventually get used to each other. It's good they have an escape, but maybe you could watch for a little bit and make she nothing happens?
All ages sees each other at all times but are in separate pens.
We always wait for the younger ones to be around 17-18 weeks (close to the same size as the grown one) and let them interact with each other for another 2 weeks. Then one night we move the young one in the coop with the big one and in the morning they all wake up together :)
Once they are close to the same size, pecking order will be established and it will be one big family. The second night we check on them to make sure everybody gets back in the coop and finds a spot to sleep, after that it's routine.
Maybe a month or more ago I put my naughty jakes and cockerels in with the bigger birds, 1-2 at a go. The bigs have a very large moving pen and a fair-sized (Suskovich) tractor with nesting boxes (littles too, but I somehow made their tractor heavier :rolleyes:). At the time the bigs consisted of three big BBW turkeys, 4 geese & around 15 layers. The new boys got hazed a bit but soon learned their places. All, within a day or two at the most, fit right in. I’m not sure how little your littles are. That would make a difference, I think, but as long as they have a refuge (or maybe a couple of them) and a large enough space to roam, I wouldn’t think you’d have too much trouble.

I’d like to move the rest of my littles in with the bigs now. They’re pretty good sized but there’s not room enough for everybody the in the bigs’ tractor and the littles’ tractor is at the bottom of the hill. The bigs’ is at the top. And the littles’ tractor is HEAVY. (My fault... it’s the nesting boxes. Then it’s been so wet that the PT wood of the base hasn’t had a chance to dry out.) I’m moving it a bit at a time and not moving the bigs as often. Soon... :fl I am tired of setting up two separate pens every time I move them.
We have an overnight pen where they can be locked in safely from predators
Is this 'pen'(not an enclosed coop?) big enough for all the birds...with separate roosts for youngers and olders?
Dimensions and pics, inside and out, would help....
..and would love to see the movable day pens.
Here is our coop and yes it is an enclosed coop with a run. This is where they stay over the winter. The coop is about 6’x6’. The run is about 12’x15ish. And there are separate perches in there. We are planning on adding an “addition” to the coop before winter to accommodate more egg boxes and the additional chicks.


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These are the Day pens. My dad used to raise pasture raised chickens and these are what they used. They were broiler chicks so they just stayed in these 24hrs a day. Because we have egg hens we move them where the egg boxes are and I don’t trust our hens in these overnight.


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These are the Day pens. My dad used to raise pasture raised chickens and these are what they used. They were broiler chicks so they just stayed in these 24hrs a day. Because we have egg hens we move them where the egg boxes are and I don’t trust our hens in these overnight.
These are about 15x20

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