PVC Chicken tractor?


11 Years
Oct 15, 2008
I'm beginning to feel very discouraged about the idea of building a chicken coop or even a tractor for myself. I have no one to help me and I have very few tools to make one--it's just not my forte. I'm very concerned that I'll get partway through and get stuck and have no one to fix it for me.

In one of the thread that I was browsing, though, someone mentioned a PVC chicken tractor. PVC is something that I can work with--I've made dog agility and obedience equipment using it before and I can get a new PVC cutting tool if I need to (I'm planning to make some new agility equipment, anyway, so a cutter will come in handy). Does anyone have instructions on how to make such a tractor? I'm 90% sure that it wouldn't be secure from roaming dogs, but could it be secured to the ground with tent pegs or something? Any advice would be welcome. Thanks!
Perhaps one of these PVC tractors featured on Instructables.com will be of interest.

Even if you go with another plan, read through the mistakes, uh, steps of the first one. BTDT!


i was about to post that one..
sorry cant help now, though some of those 5 way T's are going tobe hard to find...
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If you have any predators around at all, I would consider adding a line of electric wire to the top and bottom edge. I just don't think PVC alone would stand up to a determined predator. Good luck with your project!
I have gone into our local Home Depot and if you go when it is slow - middle of the day - I have had them cut the wood for me. There is a saw in the lumber section and then you would only need to nail or screw. Find a simple coop plan, get the lumber measurements. I've also used wooden pallets as a base, one less thing to build.

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