PVC feeder troubleshooting

Hi All,

I just finished my chicken tractor/coop..and have been using it for about 1 1/2 weeks. However, my PVC feeder doesn't work. When I move the tractor (daily), the vibrations of moving 'shake' a little feed down to refill what has been eaten, but not much. I'm assuming there is an error in my design - can anyone make suggestions? Do you have one that works well?

Design: I have a 4 ft. long 3" diameter pvc pipe, then a reducer (3" to 2"), then an elbow (60 degree? 120 degree? not sure how it is labeled), then a 5 ft. long 2" diameter pvc pipe that have 1.5" holes drilled every 6" for opening to eat from, plus, of course, end caps on both ends. The 5" feeder section drops 1 ft. over the 5' length.
feeder tube _____________/ <- upright/fill tube. 120 degrees between

Is the drop of the feeder pipe too shallow? Is it that my pellets are too big? Seems everything binds/doesn't flow through the reducer/elbow area. [And to think initially I was so proud of my accomplishment - being a non-builder:barnie]

Pics aren't the best, but gives you an idea of set-up. First one shows feeder pipe on lower left. 2nd pic shows fill tube extending out to right.

Thanks for helping me troubleshoot/redesign. Good thing my secondary/back-up feeder is big, as it holds them through the day, but it does require a second feeding to top it up for the pre-dusk chow-down.

Noticed that your pipe entry to the coop is underneath the ventilation window. Does it rain in your area? if the feed gets wet, it'll get moldy.
Noticed that your pipe entry to the coop is underneath the ventilation window. Does it rain in your area? if the feed gets wet, it'll get moldy.
I have a tarp on the side that keeps the rain out. It doesn't come in from the back as there is a sizable overhang and only short ventilation window...then (now) solid plywood. This weekend will attach nest boxes where the plywood is. Just need final coat of urethane for protection tomorrow...then on they go!. Doesn't run down the pipe in either due to hitting the fitting and dripping down (reducer at base) But thanks for the concern. The tarp was needed for the side, though as rain does come a little sideways and that overhang wouldn't be enough.
Hi All,

Update...I wasn't able to redo the feeder last weekend due to family issues. Have completed it and installed a few minutes ago, will see how it works!

Unfortunately, I am not able to find larger than a 4" pipe locally, despite trying numberous stores locally. So, I went with a 4" to a 90 degree sweep elbow to a 4" - 3" reducer, and a short peice of 3" pipe with 2 feeder holes for chickens. It tucks up well in the back corner, with the short feeder pipe extending along the side similar as before. IF it works, I will create another one for the other back corner, and put solid thin plywood on the 2 ft. wide side section to keep rain out. Thanks again for your help, hope it works!

Thanks @Chookwagn, it is similar to yours.

If you are looking for a redesign. This PVC feeder has worked well for us.
I might try something like this, or
I have found using a wye at the bottom
t or this for my next feeder in the run.

I'm concerned about spillage during moving with the hanging feeder, and given the build set-up, @Mfr422 set up will likely get pooped on from the highest roost. However, either (or both) could work very well in my permanent coop/run area...and adding a feeder (or two!)there is near the top on my long list of things to do!

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