Q about Penicillin for a duck with bumblefoot


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 30, 2011
Jacksonville, NC
So, I got these 2 new Pekin females from a breeder in our area. I only went with him because some others had told me that they had really good experience with him. When I get there, the chicken enclosures look decent, but the duck enclosure was HORRENDOUS!! It was a decent size, and there were about 20 ducks in there... but the entire thing was cluttered with lots of branches, only had one very small pool, and there was even some chicken wire in there!! When he picked them up, he grabbed them by the wings and carried them for a good 5 minutes back to my car. My daughter asked if it hurt them, and he said "Oh no! They're just fine, they don't even feel it!" :(

Anyways! I get these 2 disgustingly dirty ducks home, and I put them in the pen. I notice that the one is walking a bit funny. I pick her up, which I thought was odd considering he had such a hard time catching them in the enclosure. Anyways, I pick up this duck, which my daughter had already named Zoey, and looked at her feet. She had bumblefoot on BOTH feet!!!

Today, I had a friend come over and we performed surgery, but we couldn't get the kernel out. The poor thing! We were digging around in there for a good 2 hours. We coated it in antibiotic ointment, gauze, triangle piece of cardboard, then hot pink vet wrap. While we were working, we noticed that her bill and feet were also warm, so I went and got some penicillin at TSC. Unfortunately, I didn't realize I needed bigger needles and could only get about .2ccs into her. Tomorrow I will get some bigger needles and start administering the meds.

My question is.. how often and for how long do I give the injections? For how long after I stop giving the injections do I toss the eggs? Where do I give the injections at? How do I know that I'm in the muscle?

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