Q on chicken feed


9 Years
Jun 16, 2010
In the morning when I go outside the chickens STILL have feed on the ground. alot of feed. Is there a sertain amount of feed that I can give each day? I know they snack all day, but does anyone know exactly how much one chicken needs to eat per day?

thankss lots
Yes I throw it on the ground. We just waste alot of it because they don't eat it and my Q was...is there an exact ammount that a chicken should eat each day?
thanks I will work on that. We have them in seperate pens so I will need a lot of feeders. Is there anything I can use as a feeder that will not cost a ton of money? feeders at our feed stores cost like 40 dollars a peice
Make sure you keep your feed dry so it won't mold. I have read that moldy feed can kill chickens. I have cut milk cartons (plastic) in half and secured them so they don't tip over as feed containers.

Anything to get it off the ground and so they can't step in it to kick it around, which wastes it.

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