Quail chick has swollen eyes and is lethargic


In the Brooder
Jun 11, 2022
Long time listener, first time caller.

I have a 10-day old quail chick hatched from a celadon egg. The quail has had puffy eyes since the beginning and doesn't seem to like opening them. It eats and drinks regularly, but is slightly falling behind in size compared to other chicks that hatched at the same time. I believe it also has reduced vision. I have been keeping the chick warm and giving it electrolyte/vitamin solution, but it doesn't seem to be improving or getting worse. I got the eggs from a local lady and I'm not sure what the parent's genetics were.


Thank you in advance and nice to meet you all!
Can you take a picture of it while it's with the other ones for size comparison?
Looks like you have an albino. Unfortunately, albinos often have eye problems, and if they aren't blind from the start usually go blind before too long.

It may not survive, but it's possible for your bird to live a decent life. If it survives, it will never be completely independent. You will need to put the food and water in the same place every time, and it will need a smaller enclosure.

If you are raising as a pet, you may want to give it a chance. If you are raising as livestock, I would cull.
Looks like you have an albino. Unfortunately, albinos often have eye problems, and if they aren't blind from the start usually go blind before too long.

It may not survive, but it's possible for your bird to live a decent life. If it survives, it will never be completely independent. You will need to put the food and water in the same place every time, and it will need a smaller enclosure.

If you are raising as a pet, you may want to give it a chance. If you are raising as livestock, I would cull.
Thank you, that's too bad. I mainly keep them for eggs, so I will see if this one survives and make a decision from there.

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