Quail chick head jerk

I’m really hoping it’s not neurological, but I’m starting to lean towards that.

We have 10 chicks (we had 12, but two passed before they reached a week old).
No one else is showing symptoms.
We are trying to move them in to a hutch out in the garage, but for the time being they are in the house. They were in a tote with heating pads, but they no longer need heat and they outgrew the tote, so they’re in a cardboard box until we can finish the hutch. They are on 30% protein game bird crumble. I clean the box and water container at least once a day.
That does sound like something neurological. If it doesn't improve within a few days, you might consider culling. It is not likely to have a long or happy life.
I have seen this recently also, I found it was impacted crop. Two of my baby quail were doing it and the one did not make it. The second I was able to clear what was in mouth and top of throat and hoping it makes it. I am guessing it is from them eating the bedding
I had two young falb fee hens doing this neck jerk thing right after laying their eggs. They only did it for five minutes max. After a couple of weeks, they stopped. I have three falb fee sisters. One did not do it. I only mention falb fee because their hatch mates of other colors did not present this.
In an unrelated situation, I think, a month earlier before they started laying, I had the fourth falb fee sister suddenly go from strong and thriving one day to not being able to stand the next day. I stuck with her four a few days but she didn't improve, so I reluctantly culled. I think this must have been a head injury because it came on so suddenly, but I don't know. I haven't seen this with any other quail before or since then.
I have a three week old quail chick that will turn his head to the side and just kind of jerk it back and forth. It looks a little like a person fighting to stay awake. It eats, drinks and interacts just fine with the other chicks, but when they are just standing around it is the only one that starts twitching. Has anyone seen or heard of this?
I definitely thought you meant he was the leader of the jerks by the title

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