Quail Eggs Brown & White courtnix *Cheap*

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I just talked to CatCobb:
Her computer's hard drive crashed and she has been going to the library to try and get a hold of people, but she can't stay on the computer for very long there.
She's going to be a week late on orders. I'll pass on any concerns to her if needed!
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Thats nice purple chicken I am sure she will get everything back on track!!

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I know many members here like her. I don't know her.

Everything will work out. The delay in her eggs has caused
me to start more eggs. Thanks for the excuse Cat. You meant
for this to happen.

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Nope, nothing here. I paypaled her $32 on 11/9 and she said she was
shipping them on 11/11 or 11/12. Here we are two weeks later and

According to Bebop she was going to be a week late. Well it's now been
over two weeks and I still don't have the eggs that I paid for.

A simple PM or email from HER would have been nice. This is not cool.
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