Quail Eggs in my LG 9300


Duck Obsessed
15 Years
Jan 17, 2009
North Eastern PA
I received 32 coturnix quail eggs (none cracked) on Monday August 1st. I let them sit for about 8 hours and then I put them in my incubator that has been running at between 99 and 100 for over a week, that night. I am going to start turning after 5 days which will be Saturday. i really need some to hatch because I have a waiting list started for adult birds and if all goes well I can pay off my incubator and the ebay eggs in one sitting possibly with a few birds left over for more eggs. Any advice would be appreciated greatly. I just want a successful hatch with plenty of babies.
I'm on day 6 of the hatch now. I candled a bit and I see some clear eggs and at least one that appears to have a possible blood ring. But the others look like there might be something going on in there. Manual turning is very difficult with my big hands and sometimes an egg goes rolling when I go to turn the one next to it. They are due to hatch between the 17th and the 18th. Hopefully I will get a couple of chicks out of this. :)

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