Quail foot diseases


5 Years
Sep 18, 2014
Hello, it's my first post here and I really need some help trying to identify what is going on with my quails and learn how to help them. I have done some research but I'm never sure wether their condition is the same as what others describe. I belive the following pictures show the symptoms better than any description I could give. There is one quail with case a and two with case b.

Case a: prntscr.com/4o6gm5

Case b: prntscr.com/4o6hf9

As for their context, they live in a cage like this one, with 4 in each side:

They have abundant water and food all day.
Climate is relatively dry and hot all year, except when it rains, which is not the case in this time of the year.
They have some contact with wild birds that may try to steal their food, which is something I can't prevent from happening right now.

I will gladly answer any questions about informations I didn't add here.

Thank you.
Could just be sores from walking on a wire floor cage and not getting any relief from the wire (dust boxes give them a place to rest their feet).

You probably aren't that lucky though, and it's most likely bumblefoot.


Hopefully I'm wrong because if I'm not you have your work cut out for you.
@dc3085 Thanks for the help! Although I can't identify anything that looks like what people call the typical black mark in bumble foot on case "a", it keeps getting worse and the fingers are getting out of place, so I guess it's either try the bumble foot removal procedure or watch as the infection takes over her whole leg. I apreciate the links you've sent. I still have no light for case b though, but I guess I'll just put them on a soft surface, do good hygiene and hope for the best.

@franklinstreetwest You're welcome! If you find an easy way to fix that, please share it =D
I definitely have bumble foot on a couple quail. I have been sitting here reading about treatment and looking at other threads, to get a plan of attack. I noticed on some other threads that the cages people pictured had the EXACT same wire that (I think) has caused this problem in my quail.

The wire I speak of is the tiny 1/4"x1/4" fine wire. I have one pen of quail on that size wire, and that is where ALL the foot problems are. I have two other pens that are 1/2"x1/2", and my friend runs his on 1/2"x1"....none of the birds on that size wire are exhibiting any foot pad problems. Not saying that the larger wire won't cause problems, but I am seeing that the 1/4"x1/4", in my case, has a higher incidence of foot issues.

One bird just looks like she has red and irritated foot pads, but no sign of cuts. I will soak her feet in epsom salts and spread Tetracycline paste on them. A couple other birds have scabs developed on their foot pads. I plan to soak them, remove the scab plug, irrigate the interior of the foot and pack with tetracycline paste. I will try to take pictures....but my assistant is my husband, and he is squeamish and lacks patience for picture taking in such situations. Hopefully I can convince him to let me take the time. Wish me luck.
I'm curious about a couple of things. If a quail has this bumble foot thing, and you cull it, is it safe to eat? From what I have read it isn't contagious to other quail as it happens due to a cut in the foot and bacteria getting in, correct? I have a quail with a foot issue that I am treating but I'm not sure if this is it.
Bumble foot is basically a staph infection. In theory cooking it would kill any staph bacteria and I've come across no information that says it wouldn't be safe. On the other hand if you look back through BYC archives you'll see this question is asked a lot and general answer is, most people think it's too icky to eat something you know had a staph infection. I guess it would be up to the individual who was eating it.
I'm kind of in the "icky" camp, that is why I asked. Not contagious to other quail though, correct?

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