Quail hatched


Usually, people leave chicks in the incubator until they’re all dry. But, in some cases it may be necessary to remove them earlier, such as if one of them had an injury. Chicks absorb the yolk sac right before hatching, so even if you left them in the incubator for a day or two, they should be just fine. :)

If there are other eggs which are still supposed to hatch, especially if they’ve already externally pipped, you should try to leave the chicks in there until the others hatch. If you do need to take them out, do it quickly and get the lid back on the incubator as soon as possible, so that the humidity doesn’t stay low for very long. :)
I have a 10 gallon fish tank to put the babies in what is the best bedding to use for the floor

Usually, people leave chicks in the incubator until they’re all dry. But, in some cases it may be necessary to remove them earlier, such as if one of them had an injury. Chicks absorb the yolk sac right before hatching, so even if you left them in the incubator for a day or two, they should be just fine. :)

If there are other eggs which are still supposed to hatch, especially if they’ve already externally pipped, you should try to leave the chicks in there until the others hatch. If you do need to take them out, do it quickly and get the lid back on the incubator as soon as possible, so that the humidity doesn’t stay low for very long. :)
I have a 10 gallon fish tank to put the babies in what is the best bedding to use for the flooring
I’ve (sadly) never had quail, but I use pine shavings for my chicks. I think most kinds of wood shavings will work fine, but I’ve always heard that cedar should never be used, as it can cause respiratory issues.

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