Quail incubation- day 16

Congrats! I had 2 chicks hatch last night at 2 am and they wouldn't stop chirping! They kept me up most of the night.
Congratulations to you as well!!! They are pretty loud when they're hatching and have hatched . I bet they're looking for their mamma! next day they get a bit quieter apparently. I'm about to find out. I feel cheated a bit since I only saw the first egg pipped and then had to go to work so I am getting updates from home. Definitely taking a short day today so i can see the babies and how many hatched! I did not sleep well last night either as I was checking the eggs frequently!
Can't wait to see some photos. They are very cute babies. My 4 that have pipped are still working on breaking out. I don't blame you wanting to go home and see them!
13 in the brooder and 1 more just hatched! For day 17 I'm thinking it's pretty good! I set 48 but they were shipped. We shall see how many more come out. I'm hoping for a 50% hatch to consider it a success!!

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