quail laid an odd egg?

I thought it was interesting too. So now someone needs to experiment and feed their quail different things to see if they can get them to lay different colored eggs. I would do it but mine aren't laying yet.
Well I need to incubate one more batch my turn out on my first ever batch was just pitiful. I think I didn't wait long enough after they were laying though. I only waited a week after I put the males in so several were infertile. Now they are all fertile I see that when I'm eating them. Oh and when your quail start laying let me know how you crack your eggs. weird question, I know but I had such a difficult time doing it, so now I crack the pointy end and pull it straight off.
Use a serrated knife hit it like your doing a boiled egg than cut the membrane put the knife down and open the egg, don't cut too deep though it'll pop your yolk
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