I'm having a problem with my youngest batch of Cortournix Quail, I hatched them about three weeks ago. They were fine until last week. Or last week was when I noticed the problem... they were fine when they hatched out I guess I should say?
I cleaned their tub (which means I dumped out the old stuff and put in clean shavings, so no chemicals) I had them in a rabbit travel cage while I did it, so they were in there like ten minutes tops. Seemed fine to me then anyways. The next day one is dead, and some of the other ones are no longer walking (they were like "scooting" instead of walking) three or four looked fine. I thought maybe they injured themselves in the travel cage, but now the three or four who were fine are now NOT fine, there is only three left alive, two are scooting, one is still walking, but its very unsteady.
They're eating 24% chick starter from Tractor Supply (non medicated). Still under a heat lamp, so not outside. I have an older batch that is a couple months old that are basically older versions of these guys, and I had no problems there.
I *did* loose two older quail last week too. One from the parent stock, one from older birds. The rest of the older birds look fine still, but the parent stock looked "off" to me today, no enthusiasm for their feed at all, they finally did get up and eat, but they were not acting like they normally do. I'm not sure if it is related or not, they don't look all wobbly or scooting (yet) How long do Quail, errr, last? Are they just worn out already?
Anyone know what I did wrong? Were the chicks too hot in the brooder, so they didn't move around? I had issues getting the temp right this time, they always seemed "hot" to me, like they were hardly ever under the heat lamp? Seems like I could just not get it right this time, I had another tub with a heat lamp right next to it, and I think it might have made the area too hot? The Americana chicks I had did the same thing, lots of laying about? I tried to use just one heat lamp for both tubs, but then both tubs were too cold. I was able to go down to one lamp after I cleaned too.
Or is there mold or toxins in my feed? I'm down to like the bottom of the bag, it looks fine to me, but all my Quail eat the same thing? I also opened a new bag of shavings, is there anything toxic in there that could cause this? My hubby did the "sniff" test and said it smelled fine to him, but I thought its under the heat lamp, so maybe toxic fumes?
Suggestions for next time? I thought I did the same thing I did for the last batch, but I guess not, since I managed to NOT kill those!
I cleaned their tub (which means I dumped out the old stuff and put in clean shavings, so no chemicals) I had them in a rabbit travel cage while I did it, so they were in there like ten minutes tops. Seemed fine to me then anyways. The next day one is dead, and some of the other ones are no longer walking (they were like "scooting" instead of walking) three or four looked fine. I thought maybe they injured themselves in the travel cage, but now the three or four who were fine are now NOT fine, there is only three left alive, two are scooting, one is still walking, but its very unsteady.
They're eating 24% chick starter from Tractor Supply (non medicated). Still under a heat lamp, so not outside. I have an older batch that is a couple months old that are basically older versions of these guys, and I had no problems there.
I *did* loose two older quail last week too. One from the parent stock, one from older birds. The rest of the older birds look fine still, but the parent stock looked "off" to me today, no enthusiasm for their feed at all, they finally did get up and eat, but they were not acting like they normally do. I'm not sure if it is related or not, they don't look all wobbly or scooting (yet) How long do Quail, errr, last? Are they just worn out already?
Anyone know what I did wrong? Were the chicks too hot in the brooder, so they didn't move around? I had issues getting the temp right this time, they always seemed "hot" to me, like they were hardly ever under the heat lamp? Seems like I could just not get it right this time, I had another tub with a heat lamp right next to it, and I think it might have made the area too hot? The Americana chicks I had did the same thing, lots of laying about? I tried to use just one heat lamp for both tubs, but then both tubs were too cold. I was able to go down to one lamp after I cleaned too.
Or is there mold or toxins in my feed? I'm down to like the bottom of the bag, it looks fine to me, but all my Quail eat the same thing? I also opened a new bag of shavings, is there anything toxic in there that could cause this? My hubby did the "sniff" test and said it smelled fine to him, but I thought its under the heat lamp, so maybe toxic fumes?
Suggestions for next time? I thought I did the same thing I did for the last batch, but I guess not, since I managed to NOT kill those!