Quail problem please help


In the Brooder
Mar 29, 2018

Right now I have 2 quail. I think there both males. Can they still be together if they are both males? (we dont have females)

A few days ago they both started to make a loud noice. Like a cat dying it scared me. Does this sounds mean there males?

Now one of then is 4,5 weeks old (the other just turned 4 weeks) and attacked the other. He grabbed the other by the neck and didn't Let go...

Im a bit worried. Now everything is fine there laying next to each other.
Please help

Greetings from
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I'm assuming they are coturnix quail?
You probably heard them crowing and in that case, they are both males yes.
In most cases, coturnix males can live together if there are no females around. People often keep 'bachelor' groups with their surplus males. But as you only have two, the dominant one will always be picking on the same bird, so if he proves to be mean it might not work. I'd definitely keep a second cage on hand, or invent a way to divide the current one if the aggression turns bad.
Giving them lots of hiding places might also help - fake plants, tunnels and such, so they can get out of each others sight if need be. Increasing space will also allow them to stay further away from each other and make it easier for them to escape each other.

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