Quail Query


6 Years
Aug 12, 2013

New to the forum and hoping to get some information advice on keeping Japanese Quail.

I am a complete novice and have never kept poultry before. But am set on keeping Quail and understand Japanese Quail are a good starters choice.

I have seen 'Practical Quail Keeping' by Sarah Barratt proposed as a good source of information but was wondering if there were any other sources of information available before purchasing the book.

Any advice on how to house Quail would also be great! I have seen modified rabbit hutches described as being the most suitable.

I am also wondering where is best to purchase Quail I have not been able to find any Quail breeders around the Chichester (West Sussex) area online.

Any help and advice would be great!

Hi Dennis,
there is an awful lot of good info here on the forum and you will find the right answer on any question just use the search option at the top of the page but if you were going choose one thread to read this one would be the best https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/102281/coturnix-quail-basics-information-and-pictures-galore

good luck with you quail addiction
Thank you for the direction :D

Shall get reading through that topic and hopefully pick up some quail soon once I find a breeder in my area :)

Thanks again for your help!

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