Quail Questions

Do you have a regular 60 watt light bulb you can hang over her? You could always put her in a small cardboard box with a screen on top to keep things out of her box or her jumping out. Put a feather duster in the corner, feathers down, so she can snuggle up in them. Put in some stuffed animals to snuggle up to or something of this nature. Keep her in the warmest room in the house. Keep towels on her floor so her feet stay warm which will keep her warmer.

She may not eat or drink much tonight, but keep the water nearby. Change out food that is cooked often so it does not spoil. She will probably want to eat by morning. Keep up with the soft foods for a few days.
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Also my button quails are laying more eggs and they are really pointy. They're more pointy than the quail eggs and i think all of them have blood on them, a little.
They could have blood on them if they are new layers. Keep a watch out and see if it keeps happening. Why the are pointy is probably just the quails getting used to laying.
There is little you can do. But as the above poster says, if these are new layers, it may take time for their systems to get into the groove and blood on the eggs can happen. Make sure they are eating the best diet for quail, high protein and lots of calcium.

If it continues for much longer, you might want to shorten their daylight hours so they lay less. Too much light may be forcing them to lay too much if they are new to laying. Allow them to mature more before lots of egg laying.
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Ok, thank-you.

All my birds are new, so yea they're new layers.

How many eggs should i be feeding the 10 Jumbo Quails, and how many to 4 Button Quails?

Also, should budgies eat egg shell?
I have both budgies and quails in the same avary. I have put extra calcium in for my budgies at times but i find they rarely eat it. I feed my 19 Jap quails 6 smashed up bantie eggs a night,(hard boiled) i add crushed eggs shells to it also. If they don't want it they wont eat it. Mine have fruit and they also have gamebird starter that is full all the time.
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No i don't plan too. I have an incubator so the eggs will go in there. My quails have just started to lay now. Forgot to add before too you don't need to feed your quails that much egg. I give mine that much as I have heaps of bantams.
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