Quail Rooster Insessent crowing


6 Years
Jan 18, 2014
Hello all. We got quail because we heard all these benefits. They are like mini chickens, they lay eggs you can eat them, they have small space requirements, etc. We got ours at "maturity" over a month ago. Still no eggs. Now the rooster is finally crowing more often and this morning he did for like 30 minutes without shuting up. Any way to keep him quiet?
I didn't plan to breed quail or try to hatch eggs. I just wanted to eat their eggs. For that reason I only have female quail. I wonder if the male is stressing them out or something? Quail won't lay if they are stressed.

If you are like me and only want the eggs, maybe try getting rid of the rooster and see what happens.
I'm having the same issue. I'm probably going to cull my roos at 6 weeks instead of waiting for 8 weeks. I tried to partition their coop to separate them, but the males found a way to somehow get to the other side. Covering up their cage at night doesn't help much either.
I actually got them to breed for the meat rather than for eggs. I think they haven't started laying because of light when they hit maturity and that they should start soon. I'm giving them another week, but I'd prefer the rooster be quiet in the mean time. I heard toys might help...
I actually got them to breed for the meat rather than for eggs. I think they haven't started laying because of light when they hit maturity and that they should start soon. I'm giving them another week, but I'd prefer the rooster be quiet in the mean time. I heard toys might help...

Oh yes the light probably would make a difference. I have mine on artificial light. If you want them for meat, I wonder if giving them more lighting hours would also help them fatten up faster? They would eat more.

And count your blessings-- at least you don't have to live with this! LOL

Edited: I tried to follow your blog but was not able to see many of the photos including the quail cage.
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Any way to keep him quiet?
I find this link will keep any quail quiet!!

Any neighbor within range possibly? If they hear another they will call like that

I have had a few males just be odd
Had one call 24/7 when he matured He had to go

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