Quail Still Ding after all your suggestions.


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 1, 2012
Upstate New York
I tried all the things you all suggested but they still die. I now separated them into 3 different boxes to see if there is a dominant one that is killing the rest. Last night no deaths. Is there a disease that could carry over from chickens or ducks that could affect quail or pheasant? Any more help or info in the subject would be helpful.
There are many diseases that can carry over from chickens to quail. Not so much pheasant to quail as they are both made up of the same stuff.

If I were you, I would get yourself I new incubator, and purchase shipped eggs from a good breeder or hatchery and start completely over. Do not use your own birds eggs.

Something is amiss in either of these departments and you need to "clean house" so to speak and try another avenue.

Sorry about all the trouble you are having.
Oh, and if you do have chickens on your property, ALWAYS wash your hands between your chickens and quail to prevent disease transfer. Change your shoes if you have walk in quail aviaries.

And NEVER touch quail eggs with dirty chicken hands.
On what day are these chicks dying? (their age) And do they have ANY signs of anything?
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Are there any visible injuries?

Twocrowsranch, dirty chicken hands? Didn't know they had hands! (Sorry...couldn't resist.)
Sometimes just getting a chill once can lower their immune system so much that they pick something up that otherwise wouldn't have bothered them.

At this point i think you only have a couple birds left. If it were me I would cull them and start over with a new batch. Spray that brooder out really well with a 10% bleach solution, rinse it well, let it dry and get another bunch of eggs and start them off in in a more confined cardboard box in the house where it's a bit warmer, and move them out to the garage brooder once they are a week or two old, and start them out from day 1 on a higher protien feed. if you have no issues then, you'll know if it originated on your end or the supplier's end.

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